The program on the commissioning of housing for the next year

15 June 2012, Friday

Today under the chairmanship of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan R.N.Minikhanov a follow-up videoconference meeting concerning construction and commissioning of housing, provision of the veterans of the Second World War with housing as well as the implementation of the Republic’s targeted program on citizens’ movement from failing housing stock was held in the Government House. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan I.Sh.Khalikov participated in the meeting. The key report was made by the Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing of the Republic of Tatarstan I.E.Faizullin.

He said that as of June 14th, 2012, 918.9 thousand square meters of housing (37% of the annual amount) was commissioned in the Republic including in terms of the housing programs: according to the social mortgage program 170.0 thousand square meters; according to the program on investment apartment housing construction 317.4 thousand square meters; according to the program on private housing construction 431.5 thousand square meters.

135 houses for 639 veterans of the Second World War are being constructed in the Republic: according to GISU title 100 houses for 146 veterans are being constructed, according to GZhF title 35 houses for 493 veterans are being constructed.

During this meeting there was considered the issue concerning the provision of the participants of the accident management in Chernobyl Atomic Electric Power Station with housing. According to the data of the Ministry for Regional Development of the Russian Federation in 2012 the Republic of Tatarstan will be given additional funds equal to 375 million rubles to provide the participants of the accident management in Chernobyl Atomic Electric Power Station with housing. Welfare payments for this category of citizens are made according to the cost standard of 1 square meter of the total area in the Russian Federation equal to  31 300 rubles that will allow to construct 12 thousand square meters of housing.

Minister I.E.Faizullin said that the money allocated from the federal budget will be enough to provide this category of citizens declared by municipal units with housing.

Also the report touched upon the issue concerning the development of the plan of the commissioning of houses in the next year. The program of 2013 wad developed object-by-object in amount of 2 mln. 321 thousand square meters including: social mortgage program – 480.0 thousand square meters; investment apartment housing – 937.2 thousand square meters; low rise housing – 903.8 thousand square meters.

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