Minstroy RT: In the Republic of Tatarstan 642 thousand sq.m. of housing put into operation

25 March 2019, Monday

In the field of labor protection, the Inspectorate of State Construction Supervision and the State Labor Inspectorate have carried out 296 inspections since the beginning of 2019. Inspection State Construction Supervision RT - 295 checks, State Labor Inspectorate - 1 check. For violation of the rules and regulations of labor protection, 53 decisions were issued for a total amount of 2 million 70 thousand rubles. Self-regulatory organizations conducted inspections of 242 organizations - members of the SRO. This was announced today at the Republican meeting in the House of Government of the Republic of Tatarstan by the Minister of Construction, Architecture, Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Tatarstan Irek Faizullin. The head of the Ministry of Construction of the Republic of Tatarstan reported that as of March 22, 642 thousand sq.m. of housing were commissioned in the republic, which is 26.5% of the plan. Within the framework of the program “Construction of kindergartens with the creation of nurseries in 2018-2019”, 29 objects are planned to be built (2018 - 15 objects, 2019 - 14 objects). To date, work is underway at 26 sites. Program execution come up to 22%.

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