Today the Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing of the Republic of Tatarstan held a meeting on housing construction including the social mortgage program of 2012. The meeting was held by the Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing of the Republic of Tatarstan I.E. Faizullin. Heads of executive committees, customer services and enterprises of the construction sector participated in the meeting.
As of today, 1 180.3 thousand square meters of housing have been commissioned in the Republic (47.6% of the annual amount). According to the social mortgage program 226.5 thousand square meters of housing were constructed, according to the program of investment apartment housing construction 317.4 thousand square meters of housing were built. A report on the implementation of housing construction programs in 2012 including the “Social mortgage” program was made by Deputy Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing of the Republic of Tatarstan A.S. Akhmetshin.
A report on the implementation of the program of social mortgage was made by Executive Director of Non-Profit Organization “State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan” T.M. Abdullin.
The clarification of the situation concerning the objects of the social mortgage program where there is a delay in the construction schedule, was made by First Deputy Head of the Executive Committee of the municipality of Kazan city A.R.Nigmatzyanov, Head of the Executive Committee of the Kama-Ustinsky municipal area I.F. Ramazanov and Head of the Executive Committee of the Zelenodolsk municipal area R.M. Garifullin.
Separately there were discussed the issues on the completion of construction and commissioning of residential houses of “Zamelekesye” district in Naberezhnye Chelny city, and the information was represented by Deputy Head of the Executive Committee of Naberezhnye Chelny city R.M. Shakirov and Director General of “Kamgesenergostroi” OJSC A.S. Yevdokimov.
At the end of the meeting heads of leaders of contracting organizations "Ak-Tash" LLC G.A. Akhmetov and "Kazantsentrstroi" OJSC R.R. Safin took the floor and presented the current situation, including the appropriate calculations and the cost of construction of one square meter of housing according to the social mortgage program, not allowing to work with efficiency. They addressed the Ministry with a request to consider the possibility of increasing the cost of construction of one square meter of housing.
Following the results of the meeting the Minister ordered the economic and the construction departments of the Ministry to analyze the cost of construction of social mortgage objects, and prepare their appropriate proposals.