Ministry of Construction of the Republic of Tatarstan: more than 1.6 million square meters of housing were commissioned in the Republic of Tatarstan that is 68.7% of the plan

7 September 2019, Saturday

1 million 665 thousand square meters of housing were commissioned in Tatarstan, which is 68.7% of the plan. Such data was announced today at the republican meeting in the Government House of the Republic of Tatarstan by the First Deputy Minister of Construction, Architecture, Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Tatarstan, Alexei Frolov. The meeting via videoconferencing was held by the Prime Minister of Tatarstan Alexey Pesoshin. Alexey Frolov said that since the beginning of 2019, 990 inspections have been carried out by the State Construction Inspection Inspectorate. For violation of the rules and norms of labor protection, 262 decisions were issued for a total amount of 10 million 396 thousand rubles. Self-regulatory organizations audited 862 organizations - members of SROs. As regards individual housing construction in the republic, out of the planned 7,325 houses, 6,294 objects were commissioned. As part of the implementation of the Accessible Environment program, it is planned to adapt 12 objects of educational institutions. On 5th of September, work was completed in 8 institutions. Also in the republic, 6 new cowsheds and 64 silo-silage trenches were built. Overhaul of 89 cowsheds, 43 machine-tractor parks and 97 grain flows was completed.

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