Implementation of programs for 2013 discussed today in the Cabinet of Ministers

27 October 2012, Saturday


Today a videoconference meeting on the implementation of the law of the Russian Federation No. 185-FZ of 21/07/2007 “On the Fund assisting restructuring of Housing and Public Utilities” in the Republic of Tatarstan in 2012 and major repairs in schools was held by Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan I.Sh.Khalikov in the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan.  Works on major repairs in apartment houses were performed for a total amount of 4 billion 367 million rubles equal to 99.95% of the annual limit. GZhI accepted the acts for 98% of the work performed. Major repairs completed in 879 houses, GZhI signed the acceptance acts for 837 houses.

As of October 26th, 2012, 4 billion 402 million rubles equal to 93% of the annual amount (including the extra program) have been transferred to the accounts of Managing Companies and Homeowners Associations.


All repair work has been completed in 165 secondary schools and 5 special schools. By the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan of 10/10/2012 195.75 million rubles were allocated for repairs of facades and perimeter walks of schools (municipal and special ones). 


A part of the report dealt with the issues of double-pressure boilers installation. The program has been entirely implemented. The boilers were started up in 4 thousand 611 apartments.


As for the program “Pure Water” 315 km have been developed. 42 wells were drilled, water towers are being installed and water supply networks are being flushed out.


As for the program on the construction of village first-aid stations “Aznakayevsky Neftemash Plant” OJSC has assembled all 72 foundations. 62 modules of village first-aid stations are to be installed on the sites. 54 modules have been entirely assembled, the work is being completed on two sites and 41 village first-aid stations have been commissioned.

At the end of the meeting the participants discussed programs for 2013.

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