In Tatarstan due to housing programs for the 10th of April, 2020, 839.1 thousand square meters of housing were commissioned

13 April 2020, Monday
In the Republic of Tatarstan according to housing construction programs, as of the 10th of April, 2020 839.1 thousand square meters of housing were commissioned, this is 28.2% of the plan. This was announced today at a Republican meeting in the RT Government House by the Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing of the Republic of Tatarstan Farit Hanifov. According to the investment program of the State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, information about 11 houses for 363 apartments of 20.5 thousand square meters was reported to the statistical authorities. Of the 119 objects of the investment program, 61 objects with an area of ​​98.8 thousand square meters are in a high degree of readiness, in an average degree of readiness - 31 objects with an area of ​​104.3 thousand square meters, in a low degree of readiness - 27 objects with an area of ​​50.0 thousand square meters. To date, 49 multi-family residential buildings with an area of ​​348.0 thousand square meters, which is 26.4% of the plan. In 2 weeks, 4 multi-apartment buildings with an area of ​​6.4 thousand square meters were put into operation.  Farit Hanifov reported on the progress of providing housing for large families: all 46 large families received certificates on the 10th of April.
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