Ministry of Construction of the Republic of Tatarstan: Tatarstan is 95% ready for the heating season

11 September 2020, Friday

According to the State Housing Inspectorate, as of September 6, 2020, readiness passports were issued for 16,369 Apartment buildings out of 17,270, included in the monitoring system, which is 94.8%. According to information from municipalities, as of September 10, the following facilities have been prepared: -1996 healthcare facilities (99.5%) out of 2 thousand 6 facilities; -3 356 educational objects (99%) out of 3 thousand 390 objects; -1,943 cultural objects (99.6%) out of 1 thousand 951 objects; -171 objects of social protection and employment centers (100%) out of 171 objects; -212 sports facilities (96%) out of 221 facilities; -88 objects of youth (96%) from 91 objects. Hotline phone: +7 (843) 231-14-10.

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