A seminar on integrated development of territories will be held in Cups

2 February 2023, Thursday

 On February 4, 2023, a seminar with the participation of residents will be held in the village of Kuyuki in the Pestrechinsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan as part of the integrated development of the local territory. The seminar will be held at the lyceum “Algorithm”.

The organizer of the seminar is GBU “Institute of Spatial Planning of the Republic of Tatarstan”. Recall that the Institute of Spatial Planning is developing a master plan for the spatial and socio-economic development of the Kazan agglomeration and this locality is included in its territory.

The upcoming seminar will be attended by residents and activists of the village, representatives of local authorities, as well as representatives of the administration of the Pestrechinsky municipal district of the republic.

The purpose of the seminar is to bring together the opinions of residents and, together with the staff of the Institute, come to a common vision for the further development of the territory.

To participate in the seminar, you need to register at the link: https://gbu-ipp-rt.timepad.ru/event/2315496/

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