Registration for the VIII Russian review competition BUILD SCHOOL PROJECT has begun

9 July 2024, Tuesday

The review competition takes place within the framework of the VIII International Exhibition BUILD SCHOOL, which will be held from November 13 to 15, 2024 in the Gostiny Dvor Exhibition Complex in Moscow, on the same site as the XXXII International Festival "Architecture" and the VI All-Russian Architectural Festival Best Interior Festival (BIF).

Architects, restorers, designers, architectural bureaus, studios and workshops, design institutes, university and college students are invited to participate.


The registration period is until September 13, 2024

The deadline for submitting works is October 1, 2024

The announcement of the results of the competition and the awarding of the laureates – November 15, 2024, VK Gostiny Dvor.

The event is organized by the Union of Moscow Architects.

Contacts for inquiries: + 7 (495) 691 98 45,

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