Capital repair of 687 multi-apartment houses started in Tatarstan

3 May 2014, Saturday

On May 3, at a regional video conference held by Tatarstan Prime Minister Ildar Khalikov at Tatarstan Government House, Minister of Construction, Architecture, Housing and Municipal Economy Irek Faizullin reported that capital repair of 687 multi-apartment houses started in 40 Tatarstan municipalities. 

Repair works are being done at 159 schools and 13 children’s recreation camps.

It was noted that 135 social objects, 104 schools are being adapted under “Accessible environment” programme.

The Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Services is a state customer, coordinator, developer, and authorized body of the Republic of Tatarstan. Total funding of the programme makes 539.6 million roubles in 2014. 

According to Tatarstan Gasification Fund and municipal authorities, 782 boilers are to be repaired in 2014, personal boilers will be installed at 3, 958 flats. 

Capital repair works are also carried out at 15 veterinary associations. 

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