Rustam Minntkhanov signed the agreement with Ministry of construction of Russian Federation about the construction 1,5 sq.m. of housing of economy-class for 400 thousand Russian families. Ministry of construction of RT confirmed the project "Housing for Russian family" would not touch another housing programs.
Tatarstan is the first region that signed the agreement about social mortgage. It lets Republic begin the work on the program "Housing for Russian family".
There are 10 housing programs in Republic nowadays: for orphans, young families, refugees, migrants, social mortgage. Goverment Housing Fund and another 10 construction companies will take part in realisation of program. Minister of construction Irek Faizullin told Goverment Housing Fund had to do the main part of the construction. Fund realises 70% of all volume of the construction by social mortgage program in RT.
Tatarstan entered the number of one of the high-develop regions of Russia where the economy-class program "Housing for Russian family" will be realized.
Ministry of Regional Development worked out the program on November, 2012. The construction of 18,3 sq.m. of ecenomy-class housing should be build till the 2017 in 58 of Russian Federation.