Tatarstan will take part in the final stage of the competition "Architectural image of Russia"

2 December 2014, Tuesday

Interregional public Foundation "World youth" together with the Federation Council Committee on Federal, regional policy and local self-governance organized the III all-Russian competition of innovative projects "Architectural image of Russia". The competition was supported by 48 regions of the Russian Federation, more than 40 professional educational institutions, professional public organization the Union of architects of Russia, the Union of designers of Russia, and the Committee on architecture and urban planning of Moscow. At the Federal stage of the competition received more than 280 original architectural projects.  The final contest will be held from 15 to 16 December 2014 in Tyumen.  The winners will be assisted in the implementation of their work, the best projects will be recommended to the heads of subjects of the country for further use in planning.

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