The use of nanocement in road construction.

21 January 2015, Wednesday

Today in the Ministry of construction, architecture and housing and utilities of the Republic the first Deputy Minister F. M. Hanifov held a meeting on the application of nanocement in road construction. Marseille Bikbaoy, President of the group IMET: "We offer a new concept of development of the transport sector on the basis of changes in the technological basis for the construction of roads and replacement of the road surface from asphalt to concrete, the actual durability of which is 30-35 years." Design Institute "Tatdorproject" were interested in the timing of repairs plates on nanocement and examination. Vadim Khozin, Professor of Kazan Construction University spoke about the advantages of this construction of roads. Next week it is scheduled departure of the Tatarstan delegation to Moscow to get acquainted with the activity of a group of IMET.

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