RITZ announced the II Republican contest "The Best estimator of the Republic of Tatarstan 2015"

9 February 2015, Monday

For the first time in Tatarstan competition for the best estimator of the Republic was held in 2014. The competition was organized by  JSC “RITZ”. The aim of the competition is to identify in the Republic of the best experts in the field estimate regulation, increased prestige, strengthening of public importance and further development of the profession, the growth of professional engineers-quantity surveyors, as well as facilitating training and quality improvement activities of specialists in the estimated case. As for as the organizers have seen keen interest in the competition in the professional community, it was decided to hold it annually. Anybody can participate in the competition with the necessary knowledge in the field estimate regulation in the construction industry.

The competition is held in the third stage:

Stage I  (theoretical) - from 15 January to 28 February 2015.

Stage II (theoretical) - from March 1 to April 30, 2015.

Stage III (practical) - May 15, 2015.

Applications for participation are accepted until February 28, 2015.

Detailed information about the contest on the website http://ritcrt.ru/

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