The meeting on the completion works on the objects of SEZ "Alabuga"

13 March 2015, Friday

Today in the SEZ "Alabuga"  Deputy Minister of construction, architecture and housing and communal services of the Republic of Tatarstan Yuri Alashev held a meeting with contractors on question of  review the construction of infrastructure facilities of the special economic zone.

During the meeting following questions were discussed: the construction of rental housing, dwellings for specialists SEZ, specialized schools with profound studying of English language, water-intake facility for rental housing, industrial park "Synergy".

It attracts 11 subcontractors to perform all types of works on objects of the SEZ "Alabuga" by the company ""Kamgesenergostroi".  Since the beginning of the year it was done the jobs in total amount of 231.8 mil.  rubles. 

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