Kazan will host IV Workshop on capital repairs of apartment houses

16 September 2015, Wednesday


September 17-18, Kazan will host IV Workshop "Control overhaul the MAH." The event is organized by  "Service of technical supervision over the implementation of municipal programs on the content of housing and communal services and external improvement" with the assistance of the Fund for Housing Reform, as well as with the Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing of Tatarstan and the Mayor of Kazan.


The seminar continues the series of workshops designed to explore the issues detailed overhaul of houses, gain practical experience and knowledge. Thus, according to Deputy Director General of the Civil Code - Housing Reform Fund Oleg Rurin: "In Russia, there was a marketplace where regions, municipalities, management companies can improve the knowledge of experts who are responsible for such an important and complex area of ​​work, as the repair of apartment buildings ".


The seminar program includes the issues of control and pricing overhaul, in particular: conducting construction supervision required checks of regional and municipal authorities, the establishment of the marginal cost of the overhaul and features pricing by type of work, check acceptance certificates KS-2 and others. 


Moscow, Tver, Kostroma, Novgorod, Sverdlovsk region, Khanty-Mansi, and Nenets Autonomous District, Kabardino-Balkar Republic and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Kamchatka region, and others regions will take part in seminar. 


Participants included representatives of ministries, municipalities, utilities charge of industry, representatives of non-profit foundations overhaul - regional operators, as well as managers, 

contractors and other organizations involved in the organization, implementation and monitoring of major repairs of residential buildings.


All the details of the event can be specified by calling +7 (843) 236-42-06 or e-mail mirp_stn@mail.ru. The procedure for registration to the seminar and additional information is available at www.stn-kazan.ru.


Contact person on Lighting Workshop - Salakhova Zarina 8917234663 94

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