Seminar on the theme: "Features of granting land plots in the framework of designing of object of capital construction" in Kazan

20 November 2015, Friday
20.11.2015 November 26, 2015 at 9: 00 am in Kazan will host a seminar on the theme: "Features of granting land plots in the framework of designing of object of capital construction". The workshop will be acquainted with the nuances of FZ dated 23 June 2014 No. 171-FZ "On amendments to theLand code of the Russian Federation and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation". More information about the seminar You can receive by phone: (843) 520-70-50 (EXT.201) or by clicking the link The seminar will be held at the address: Yamasheva, 10, NOU DPO "RITZ-Profstandart".
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