In 2016 Tatarstan plans to build 2.4 million square meters of housing

9 January 2016, Saturday

The program of housing construction in Tatarstan in 2016 provided the commissioning houses with a total area of 2,401 million sq. m. These data were presented today at the first in the new year Republican meeting that was held by Prime Minister Ildar Khalikov.

As reported in the report of the first Deputy Minister of construction, architecture and housing Alexey Frolov, according to the Tatarstan statistics, by the end of 2015 was introduced in the Republic of 2 million 405,5 thousand square meters of housing. The plan was executed by 100.2%.

The program of housing construction in 2016 today formed in the volume of 2,401 million square meters, including the social mortgage program - 506,7 thousand square meters, investment apartment housing - 905,8 thousand square meters, low-rise housing construction - 988,5 thousand square meters.

According to the social mortgage program in 2016 planned 184 houses with a total area of 506,7 thousand sq. m. 9 51 thousand apartment. In the framework of the program of construction of rental housing in 2016 SHF plans to put into operation 36 of houses at 541 apartments with a total area of 29.6 thousand square meters.

Alexey Frolov has informed that in 2015 the construction industry of Tatarstan there were 46 accidents, including 17 fatalities. Compared with 2014 the number of accidents in 2015 decreased by 11 (or 19%).

The inspection of state construction supervision in 2015 carried out 1565 reviews. For violation of the rules and norms of labor protection issued 779 orders for a total amount of 31.4 million rubles. Today in the Republic of fines levied in the amount of 19 million rubles.

"I beg to draw attention to the cause of accidents - 23 of them are caused by falls from height. It is necessary to pay increased attention to observance of norms and rules of labor protection, commented on the data, Prime Minister of Tatarstan Ildar Khalikov. - The Supervisory bodies are more than enough powers and opportunities. Problems with the collection and imposition of fines not. And until then, until the head becomes more profitable to provide normal security than ever to pay fines, the situation will not change".

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