Seminar "Actual questions of price formation and cost estimate normalization in construction of the Republic of Tatarstan at the present stage" will be held on 22 January 2016

12 January 2016, Tuesday
Regional center for pricing in construction GAU "state expertise and pricing in the Republic of Tatarstan for construction and architecture" conducted on January 22, 2016 methodical seminar "Actual questions of price formation and of cost estimate normalization in construction of the Republic of Tatarstan at the present stage" for the specialists estimate-contractual departments of construction organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan. The seminar will be held in a round table format. Throughout the event, experts of the Regional centre of pricing GAU "UGAZ RT" will be conducting individual consultations on pricing and budget rationing, also You can send question by e-mail or you can specify a question in the application form for participation in the seminar. You can download the application form for participation and to familiarize with the program of the seminar. The venue of the seminar: Ministry of construction, architecture and housing and communal services of the Republic of Tatarstan, conference hall, 3rd floor. Address: Kazan, Dzerzhinsky str., 10 Participation in the seminar You can contact the training center: Kazan, Volkova str., house 60/12, 5th floor, tel: (843) 520-70-50 (EXT. 202, 152), e-mail:


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