Head of Architecture Department of the Institute of Architecture and Design (KGASU) Anton Popov was awarded the medal of the Foundation "Revival of the Russian Manor"

1 June 2018, Friday

The solemn ceremony of awarding the laureates of the XIII national award "Cultural Heritage" was held on Wednesday in Moscow. Over the years, the National Award has become an important and authoritative event in the cultural life of the country. For 13 years, more than 1200 applications from 60 subjects of the Russian Federation and the near abroad took part in the competition. More than 300 people became winners and nominees - representatives of leading educational, museum, architectural, public organizations, state bodies for culture and monuments protection, mass media. This year, our compatriot - Head of the Department of Architecture of the Institute of Architecture and Design (KGASU)  Anton Olegovich Popov was awarded an honorary medal for the development of constructive solutions, minimizing costs and introducing new technologies in the restoration of cultural heritage objects, including the building of the Main Admiralty in St. Petersburg.

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