The construction programmes of social and cultural facilities fully completed in Tatarstan

24 December 2018, Monday

On December 22, at the Government House of the republic, speaking at a regional video-conference held by Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov with participation of Prime Minister of the republic Aleksey Pesoshin and all regions of the republic, Minister of Construction, Architecture, Housing and Utilities of the republic Irek Faizullin said that all the construction programmes of social and cultural facilities have been fully completed in Tatarstan in 2018.

Thus, 27 facilities of the State Veterinary Service and 19 facilities of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the republic have been overhauled.

As many as 28 rural clubs, 10 buildings of Settlement Councils (Executive Committees), 44 modular medical and obstetric centres, 11 outpatients centres, 96 universal sports grounds, 16 block-modular skiing centres, 8 swimming pools and 5 universal sports halls have been constructed. 

As of December 21, as many as 2,246,300 square meters of housing, which makes 93,5 per cent of the plan for 2018 have been commissioned in Tatarstan.

Presidential State Housing Fund of the republic has reported to the statistics agencies on completion of 218 houses for 7104 apartments with the total area of ​​397,700 square meters under the social mortgage programme.

He continued that under the programme of rental housing, it is planned to commission 149 houses with 3512 apartments with the total area of 26,800 square meters in 2018. As many as 121 houses with the total area of 16,400 square meters have already been commissioned in nine regions of the republic. Nine houses are under construction now.

Faizullin said that in 2018, as many as 297 orphans will be provided with houses under residential lease agreements.

He also added that 167 families of certain categories of citizens (large and young families and others) will be accommodated in 2018.

As many as 109 of 120 planned houses with the total area of 766,500 square meters under the programme of milti-apartment investment housing construction have been commissioned in 2018.

As for low-rise construction, 8,388 houses of 8,170 planned have been commissioned. The programme has been fully implemented.

The Minister also said that since January 1, 2019, a new Municipal Solid Waste Management System will be introduced.

Minnikhanov gave an errand to the heads of municipal regions to control the implementation of the new system and the process of concluding contracts with two chosen regional operators.

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