“Electric Mains Enterprise” LLC completed the installation of the electric power line to the construction objects as well as the installation of 28 supports, and laid the self-supporting insulated wire of 1460 meters. The construction of Checkpoint No.1 and Checkpoint No.2 as well as the construction of a temporary water supply line and temporary roads was completed, 7834 square meters of pavement slabs were installed on the temporary roads.
The affiliates of “Kamgesenergostroi” OJSC (Administration of Construction Mechanization and “KamgesFundamentStroi” LLC) completed excavation works and piling underneath the foundations of the compressor station at the facility: “14/01 Compression unit with auxiliary equipment” and underneath the foundation of technical platform road 101 (PR-101).
After the completion of the excavation works by the Administration of Construction Mechanization the Chinese company CNCEC began the installation of the foundations of platform roads PR-206, PR-201, PR-208.
“Volgopromproduct” CJSC is completing the installation of a cast-in-situ frame of the plant management building. The installation of the second floor of the superstructure of blocks “А, Б, В, Г” as well as the concreting of the columns, the walls and the ceiling of the third floor of blocks “Б, В and Г”. The installation of the ceiling of the forth floor of block “В” and the reinforcing of the ceiling of the forth floor of block “Б” are being completed.