Works on excavation of pits, piling and foundation pour at 26 facilities being the responsibility of the general contractor CNCEC (China) and at 9 facilities being the responsibility of the Russian general contractor “NIIK” OJSC (Dzerzhinsk city), are carried out to build the Complex for the production of ammonia, methanol and granulated carbamide “Ammonia” OJSC. Altogether 237 piles were driven in and more than 36 thousand cubic meters of soil were taken away. Works on foundation pour are being carried out by CNCEC, and 198 workers have been employed. Piling and excavation are carried out by the subdivisions of “Kamgesenergostroi” OJSC i.e. “KamGesFundamentStroi” LLC and “UMS” LLC.
Temporary power supply was provided by “PES” LLC. Works on the installation of 28 towers and SIW cables stretching for 1460 m were completed. A temporary office of “NIIK” OJSC was connected, a packaged transformer substation was installed, start-up and commissioning were completed, and the construction objects of СNCEС were connected.
Subsurface utility engineering has been started by the contractors of Multi-Industry Association “Inshaat” CJSC from Naberezhnye Chelny city.
The installation of the cast-in-situ frame of the facility “301/02 main office of the Complex for the production of ammonia, methanol and granulated carbamide”.
The contracting organization “NIKO-S” LLC carried out the test piles driving in at the facility “91/01- Isothermal reservoir with the capacity of 20000m3 for storage of liquid ammonia” located within the territory of the operating “Mendeleyevskazot” LLC. “KamTISIZ” OJSC is performing dynamic and static testing of piles.