Major repairs completed in 866 houses in Tatarstan

13 October 2012, Saturday
Today a videoconference meeting on the implementation of the law of the Russian Federation No. 185-FZ of 21/07/2007 “On the Fund assisting restructuring of Housing and Public Utilities” in the Republic of Tatarstan in 2012, major repairs in schools and some other programs was held by the President of the Republic of Tatarstan R.N.Minnikhanov in the Government House. Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan I.Sh.Khalikov participated therein.

Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing of the Republic of Tatarstan I.E. Faizullin made a keynote report.

Works on major repairs were performed for a total amount of 4 billion 354 million rubles equal to 99.66% of the annual limit. GZhI accepted the acts КС-2 for 97% of the work performed. Major repairs completed in 866 houses in 38 municipalities.

Facades and roofs of apartment houses located in the hospitality area of the Universiade 2013 are being repaired in Kazan. 196 apartment houses are to be repaired by the end of the year. At the moment the work is being performed at all sites.

A part of the report dealt with the issues of the implementation of the programs on the individual heating systems and the program “Pure Water”.

As for the repair in educational institutions major repairs have been completed in 165 municipal schools. Among 5 special schools the work has been completed in 4 of them, and major repairs in Kazan special boarding school named after LastochkinaY.G. are to be completed.

The implementation of the program on the construction of village first-aid stations in municipalities will be completed in November 2012. As of today “Aznakayevsky Neftemash Plant” OJSC assembled all the foundations. Among 46 modules to be installed, 47 sets have been transported and 40 village first-aid stations have been assembled.
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