Work according to the program on major repairs of apartment houses in 2013 started in all municipalities

19 January 2013, Saturday

Today a videoconference meeting on the implementation of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 185-FZ of 21/07/2007 “On the Fund assisting restructuring of Housing and Public Utilities” in the Republic of Tatarstan in 2012 and major repairs in schools was held by President of the Republic of Tatarstan R.N.Minnikhanov in the Government House. Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan I.Sh.Khalikov participated therein. Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing of the Republic of Tatarstan I.E.Faizullin made a keynote report.

As for the program on major repairs of apartment houses in 2013 the work started in all municipalities. The list of this year includes 811 apartment houses in 41 municipalities (except Atninsky, Alkeyevsky, Kaibitsky and Cheremshamsky municipalities) for a total amount of 4 billion 354 million rubles.

In pursuance of the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan No. 1946-р of 20.10.2012 the Fund for the installation of gas service is to perform the construction and reconstruction of 124 water supply facilities in 45 municipalities. As a part of federal program “Pure Water” the Ministry of Construction together with the Fund for the installation of gas service started selecting measures to develop the application in federal program “Pure Water” for 2013.

The Fund for the installation of gas service is going to transfer 4 thousand 959 apartments (324 houses) to the individual heating system. As of January 17th, 2013 design and construction documents for facade pipelines of 418 apartments (18 houses) and for indoor systems of 416 apartments (19 houses) have been developed; positive state expertise on facade gas pipelines of 244 apartments (10 homes) has been received.

A list of municipal secondary schools to be repaired in 2013 was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan of 29/11/2012 No.2129-р. The list includes 162 municipal schools (including 20 schools in Kazan) and 7 special schools for a total amount of 2.5 billion rubles.

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