In the IP SEZ “Alabuga” contractors start construction and installation work under contracts of 2013

4 February 2013, Monday

Issues of infrastructure construction of special economic zone “Alabuga” were discussed at a meeting with contractors held by Deputy Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing of the Republic of Tatarstan Yu.L.Alyashev.

Currently general contractor “Kamgesenergostroi” OJSC started the construction of power facilities, utilities and rental housing under contracts of 2013. Subcontractor “UMS” LLC is continuing excavation works at the construction site of a large energy facility consisting of distribution substations РП-1 and РП-2 110kW. “Kamgesfundamentstroi” LLC plans to start pile driving on February 4th, 2013. Enterprises “Gazoblokstroi” LLC and “Kamgesgrazhdanstroi” LLC are carrying out preliminary work at the construction site of a cottage settlement, a specialized school with advanced study of the English language and a house for experts in SEZ “Alabuga”. The delivery of structures for cottage houses and their installation is to be started from February 15th, 2013 by companies “VALDEK” LLC and “Gazoblokstroi” LLC.

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