Today a videoconference meeting on the housing construction and commission, the provision of housing for the veterans of the Second World War, the implementation of the Republican target program on the citizens’ movement from the failing housing stock took place in the Government House of the Republic of Tatarstan. The meeting was chaired by President of the Republic of Tatarstan R.N.Minnikhanov. The key report was made by Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing of the Republic of Tatarstan I.E.Faizullin. Since the beginning of this year active work on the implementation of the program on housing construction has been started in all the municipalities. According to the data of Tatarstanstat 381.1 square meters of housing were commissioned in January 2013. The commissioned amount of housing in relation to the period of the last year is 156.8%.
As of February 9th, 2013, 20 housing with the total area of 98.5 thousand square meters for one thousand 782 apartments have been commissioned in the Republic according to the social mortgage program. The Republic continues to build 33 houses for 324 veterans. The Republic received the next tranche of 1 billion 3 million 640 thousand rubles. Based on the calculation of an average market price of 1 square meter set by the Ministry for Regional Development of the Russian Federation equal to 29 thousand 850 rubles, 913 veterans will be provided with housing due to this tranche.
The second part of the report related to the program on the citizens’ movement from the failing housing stock. A list of apartment houses recognized as failing before January 1st, 2012 due to physical wear was submitted to the Ministry for Regional Development of the Russian Federation. According to the data presented, the area of the failing housing stock to be eliminated is more than 427 thousand square meters.
Based on these data, the Fund will adjust the limits of financial support in the near future, and then the Republican target program on citizens’ movement will be developed.