Competition “Architectural Oscar” of the Republic of Tatarstan announced

1 March 2013, Friday

 “Architectural OSCAR” is a republic open competition in the field of architecture and design of houses, public buildings and facilities, which takes place in the Republic of Tatarstan as an architectural festival- biennale. The first “Architectural OSCAR” was successfully held in 2010 in Kazan with the support of the National Agency of Low-Rise and Cottage Construction, the Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing of the Republic of Tatarstan and Corporation TekhnoNIKOL.

In 2013 according to the results of the 2d  Republican competition “Architectural Oscars” the awards are given for original creative and innovative design solutions characterized by high social, engineering, technical, esthetic and economic characteristics. The main criterion is the contribution of the design decisions to further development of modern architecture, design and construction in the Republic of Tatarstan.

Competition for "Architectural OSCAR" includes the following: projects of residential, industrial and storage buildings, area development projects, projects of reconstruction of industrial, residential, storage buildings and structures as well as public facilities of any purpose within the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan developed from March 2010 to March 2013.

For more information please contact project manager Kovyazin Artyom, tel./fax: (843) 274-21-58, mob. 8-917-909-84-80.

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