As of May 30th, 2013 the Republic of Tatarstan commissioned 983.3 thousand square meters of housing (41% of the annual limit) equal to 108.3% compared to the last year. Apastovsky, Pestrechinsky and Tukayevsky municipal areas fulfilled the yearly plan. This was announced today by Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing of the Republic of Tatarstan Irek Faizullin at the Republican videoconference meeting held in the Government House. The meeting was chaired by President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov.
Irek Faizullin said that the Republic continues to work in the field of occupational health and safety. The Ministry of Construction of the Republic of Tatarstan jointly with the Main Investment and Construction Administration of the Republic (GISU RT) held an enlarged meeting of the working group on occupational health and safety in the construction sector with the participation of heads of construction companies working at the facilities being built under the government programs.
As for the implementation of control, since the beginning of the year the Inspectorate of the State Construction Supervision of the Republic of Tatarstan, with respect to the participants of the construction, issued 238 orders due to violation of occupational health and safety requirements for a total amount of 9 million 677 thousand rubles, including the objects of investment and private residential housing construction - 94 orders amounted to 3 million 720 thousand rubles, those being constructed under the social mortgage program - 29 orders amounted to 1 million 49 thousand rubles, and those of the Universiade - 12 orders amounted to 760 thousand rubles.
As of today, 4 million 799 thousand rubles were collected in the Republic as fines according to 94 orders.
Under the social mortgage program, as of May 30th, 2013, among 133 houses 47 buildings with a total area of 147.6 thousand square meters for 2 thousand 640 apartments, which is 38.5% of the plan, have been commissioned. Among 86 objects of the program, 48 objects have a high degree of readiness, 21 objects have an average degree of readiness and 17 objects have a low degree of readiness.
The Republic continues to build houses for veterans of the Great Patriotic War under the program on the improvement of the living conditions of veterans. Thus, 105 houses are being built for 465 veterans. According to Irek Faizullin, 35 have a high degree of readiness, 23 objects have an average degree of readiness and 47 objects have a low degree of readiness.
However, 53 veterans in 16 municipalities have not signed the agreements yet.
Answering the questions asked by Rustam Minnikhanov, Minister of Labor, Employment and Social Security of the Republic of Tatarstan Airat Shafigullin said that since its start the program on the improvement of the living conditions of veterans of the program involved 18,009 people. As of today, 372 veterans are not provided with the subsidies. Airat Shafigullin also noted that in respect of 53 veterans the heads of the municipalities had not provided the Commission's decision stating that their houses were not suitable for living; the other requirements for receiving the subsidies had been fulfilled.
Then, Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing of the Republic of Tatarstan Irek Faizullin reported on the housing construction program of the Republic of Tatarstan for 2014. Thus, the program for 2014 includes 2 million 399 thousand square meters, including the social mortgage program - 313.6 thousand square meters investment apartment housing - 1 104.7 thousand square meters, and low-rise housing construction - 983.6 square meters. As a result of the implementation of the housing program of 2014 it is planned to achieve the following indicators: housing commissioned per one citizen equal to 0.635 sq.m. and the availability of housing per one citizen equal to 24.8 sq.m.