Housing commission in Tatarstan to reach the volume based on of 1 square meter per person by 2020

1 July 2013, Monday

Housing commission in Tatarstan will reach the volume based on of 1 square meter per person by 2020; the plan is 3 million 957 thousand square meters. Such task was set by the federal government.

This was announced today by Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing of the Republic of Tatarstan Irek Faizullin at the Republican meeting chaired by President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov and held in the Government House of the Republic.

The meeting was attended by Prime Minister of Tatarstan Ildar Khalikov. Traditionally, the meeting was held as a video conference with all municipal areas; moreover, the meeting was broadcast on the Internet (via the link on the official website of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan www.prav.tatarstan.ru).

According to the Head of the Ministry of Construction of the Republic, in 2016, Tatarstan is to build 3 million square meters of housing (0.785 sq. m. per person per year), and in 2017 - 3 million 330 thousand square meters (0.871per person per 1 year).

As for the housing commission in 2013, as of June 29th, 2013, the Republic commissioned 1 million 157.5 thousand square meters of housing (48.3% of the annual plan), which is 105.6% compared with that of the last year.

According to Irek Faizullin, Apastovsky, Laishevsky, Pestrechinsky and Tukayevsky municipal areas fulfilled the plan for 2013.

Following the results of the half-year period, 25 municipalities fulfilled the plan of housing commission by more than 50%; 7 municipalities completed the annual plan by more than 80% (Agryzsky, Aksubayevsky, Verkhneuslonsky, Kamsko-Ustinsky, Menzelinsky, Nurlatsky and Sarmanovsky areas).

Irek Faizullin also reported on the implementation of the program to improve the living conditions of the veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Over the past two weeks 5 residential buildings with a total area of ​​4 thousand 205 square meters for 31 veterans have been commissioned in the Republic. The Republic continues to build 102 houses for 427 veterans. 46 objects have a high degree of readiness, 35 objects have an average degree of readiness and 21 objects have a low degree of readiness.

Head of the Administration for Construction, Transportation, Housing and Road Facilities of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan Ildar Sibgatullin reported on the implementation of the program on the construction of rural clubs in 2013. 46 rural clubs are to be built this year. Thus, one object has already been put into operation (Arsky municipal area), one object has a high degree of readiness; finishing work and landscaping are being carried out at 7 sites; the roofs are being constructed at 15 sites and the walls are being built at 22 sites.

Moreover, the work on installing multi-functional centers for rendering public and municipal services to citizens is being carried out, new construction being excluded. 27 multi-functional centers are to be installed this year, the funds to repair 27 facilities in 21 municipalities and two urban districts have been allocated. The work has been arranged at seven sites, preparatory work is being carried out at 15 sites and etc.

21 premises for district police officers are to be constructed by the end of the year. Four premises are already being constructed.  

The report on the implementation of the social mortgage program was made by Executive Director of the State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan (GZhF RT) Talgat Abdullin.

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