The team of the Ministry of Construction of the Republic of Tatarstan won the anti-corruption quest

29 November 2022, Tuesday

 The A.S. Pushkin Cultural Center in Kazan hosted an anti-corruption quest among employees of the Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Transport and Road Management of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Land and Property Relations of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Deputy Minister of Transport and Road Facilities Timur Nikonov and Chief Adviser of the Office of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan on Anti-Corruption Policy Alexander Lokhotskoy addressed the participants with parting words.

Timur Nikonov drew the attention of those present to the programs implemented by the Ministry of Transport and Road Management, on the quality and strict implementation of which the investment and tourist attractiveness of the republic depends. «Our task is to ensure transparency and controllability of spending of each ruble,» the speaker said.

«All spheres of the socio-economic life of the state are subject to corruption. The most important thing for us is to exclude the possibility of corruption, and legal education and the formation of a negative attitude towards corruption among the population plays a significant role in this. Success in this direction depends on the principled position of everyone,» Alexander Lokhotsky stressed.

In between the questions, a discussion interactive was organized among the participants of the game, during which, in the format of an open microphone, those present answered the questions of the participants and the audience, among whom were students of KNITU-KAI IANTE SPO “Technical College” and Kazan Construction College. In particular, the students learned about the main tools for preventing corruption, and also discussed the issues of punishment for corruption crimes.

The victory in the game was won by the team of the Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Tatarstan, which showed the highest results.

Such a format for covering the topic of corruption prevention in the school environment received positive feedback from both invited experts and the participants themselves. Studying such a complex issue in a playful and creative manner finds a positive response and feedback from the participants.

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