Within the framework of the national project «Culture», 6 district and rural houses of culture are being built and reconstructed in the republic

10 March 2023, Friday

In the Republic of Tatarstan, within the framework of the national project «Culture»», construction and reconstruction of six district and rural houses of culture is underway.

New facilities will appear this year in the Apastovsky, Arsky, Kukmor, Kaibitsky municipal districts of the republic. In Buinsk, it is planned to complete the reconstruction of the district house of culture, which began in 2022.

In addition, according to the state program «Integrated Development of rural territories», a rural house of culture for 45 places is being built in the locality of Tat.Aisha of the Vysokogorsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The performance of construction and installation works at the facilities today is 65%.

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