Housing and communal services workers were honored in Kazan

22 March 2024, Friday

Today, a solemn event dedicated to the celebration of the Day of Housing and Communal Services Workers was held at the Kazan cultural center "Saidash". Tatarstan Prime Minister Alexey Pesoshin congratulated industry representatives on their professional holiday.


"Today, employees of the housing and communal complex from all municipal districts of the republic, as well as those who are directly involved in this industry, are present in the hall. 27.5 thousand people work in the housing and communal services sector in the Republic of Tatarstan," he said.


Alexey Pesoshin noted that the coordinated work of all institutions and enterprises depends on the professionalism of housing and communal services workers. Cleanliness and order in courtyards and streets, warmth, light and water in houses, and most importantly, the comfort of all residents of the republic.


"The requirements for the housing and communal services industry are growing rapidly. In order to meet the demands of the time, it is necessary to implement priority projects, build additional facilities and modernize existing ones, introduce advanced technologies and services. All initiatives are designed to make the life of Tatarstan residents more comfortable, and the housing and communal services sector more efficient, modern and high-tech," the Prime Minister added.


According to the head of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan, a lot of work is being done in the republic to upgrade the housing and communal services infrastructure. "At the same time, there are still a lot of problems. But I am sure that thanks to the course taken by the leadership of our country, high professionalism and caring attitude to the case, we will solve the tasks facing us," he stressed.


At the end of the speech, Alexey Pesoshin thanked the participants of the ceremony for their work for the benefit of Tatarstan and presented the state awards of the Republic of Tatarstan to employees of housing and communal services enterprises.


Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Aizatullin said that over the past year 11 regional and federal programs have been implemented in the field of housing and communal services and landscaping. The total amount of financing amounted to 23.3 billion rubles.


In total, according to the housing overhaul program in the republic, work has been carried out in 12 thousand houses. Also, according to the program to provide the population with high-quality drinking water, 3,000 kilometers of networks and 400 water towers were built in Tatarstan, and about 500 wells were drilled.


"The volume of housing construction in Tatarstan is growing every year, production facilities are being launched, new social infrastructure facilities are appearing. The heroes of today's holiday take care of landscaping, provide maintenance of communications and engineering networks, and are engaged in major repairs of the housing stock. They are the first to raise the alarm in case of emergency and emergency situations," concluded the head of the Republican Ministry of Construction.

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