Civil servants have been trained in the field of anti-corruption in Kazan

26 March 2024, Tuesday

On March 19-22, 2024, the Higher School of Public and Municipal Administration of Kazan Federal University held courses on an additional professional training program for civil servants of the Republic of Tatarstan and municipal employees in the Republic of Tatarstan in the field of anti-corruption "Functions of units for the prevention of corruption and other offenses", with the participation of a representative of the Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing of the Republic of Tatarstan.


Corruption remains a dangerous phenomenon that has a complex negative impact on all spheres of life, destroys public confidence in the government, reduces the effectiveness of management, distorts the culture of the economy and business, and the implementation of social programs.


In the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation, corruption is classified as the main threats to the state and public life of the country, therefore, special attention should be paid to measures to eliminate the causes of corruption. This task should be solved by qualified personnel who, in addition to general legal knowledge, have special knowledge in specific areas of jurisprudence and economics and be qualified personnel. Such specialists should be trained as part of targeted training from among officials of local governments and public authorities responsible for the prevention of corruption and other offenses, who have basic knowledge and experience of relevant work.


Classes were held with participants of the advanced training program on the prevention of corruption offenses in the procurement of goods, works, services, identification of corruption risks during control and supervisory activities in the budgetary and financial spheres, organization of work on anti-corruption propaganda as a tool to combat corruption. Practitioners in the field of anti-corruption have been involved in the training.

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