More than 3 thousand people were involved in the preparation of sports facilities for the BRICS Games

27 June 2024, Thursday

In preparation for the International Multi-sport Event "BRICS Sports Games" to be held in Kazan in 2024, 12 sports facilities were overhauled. Alexey Frolov, First Deputy Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing of the Republic of Tatarstan, told about this today during a press conference at Tatar-Inform.

In the construction complex, more than 3 thousand people were involved in the preparation of 12 sports facilities where sports events were held.

The process of preparation and repair of facilities was organized in a very short time and was conducted virtually around the clock. All facilities are completed on time.

In preparation for the BRICS Games, repairs were carried out at the following sports facilities:

– UIA "Sports and recreation complex "Central Stadium";

–USC "Palace of Water Sports";

–Sports complex "Boxing and Table Tennis Center";

–FGBOUVO "PGUFKSiT" "Gymnastics Center";

– USK "Petrel Indoor swimming pool";

–USC "Tennis Academy"FGBOUVO "PGUFKSiT;

– St. Petersburg Volleyball Center in Kazan;

–Federal Sports and Training Center for Rowing Sports;

– A complex of beach sports;

– USK Tulpar

– Ak Bars Martial Arts Palace

– USC "Badminton Center" FGBOU VO "PGUFKSiT"

"In terms of the work of the builders, all the teams of contractors worked effectively," said the first deputy minister.

He noted the efficiency of suppliers of equipment and construction materials. Since it was necessary to shift the delivery dates of equipment and materials in a short time. "The Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing of the Republic of Tatarstan, Marat Aizatullin, personally dealt with these issues, operational decisions were made," he added.

"Work continues on the BRIX part. Large-scale preparation of hotel rooms, the venues of mass events and the capital as a whole is underway," Alexey Frolov noted.

The press conference was also attended by the Minister of Sports of the Republic of Tatarstan Vladimir Leonov, General Director of the ANO Directorate of Sports and Social Projects Maxim Denisov, Chairman of the Committee of Physical Culture and Sports of the Executive Committee of Kazan Linar Garipov.

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