Aidar Akhmetzyanov: Most projects do not meet the requirements for issuing construction permits

11 July 2024, Thursday

Topical issues of obtaining a construction permit in connection with changes in legislation were discussed today at a panel session within the framework of the Stroika exhibition at Kazan Expo. The head of the Department of the Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing of the Republic of Tatarstan Aidar Akhmetzyanov told about the main changes and the quality of documents received by the Ministry of Construction of the Republic of Tatarstan.


Recall that since this year, the Ministry of Construction of Tatarstan has been exercising 12 powers transferred from local governments in the field of urban planning, of which 6 are currently public services, for which administrative regulations have been approved.


"The transfer of powers to the republican level should make it possible to implement a unified policy in the implementation of territorial planning, urban zoning and construction on the territory of the republic as a whole, as well as timely and qualitatively update urban planning documentation," Aidar Akhmetzyanov said.


According to him, as of July 8, the Ministry of Construction of the Republic of Tatarstan received 11,792 applications for the provision of public services, of which over 7,000 were considered. The bulk of them is the GPP issuance service and their number has reached 9,095 applications, 783 for the issuance of a construction permit, which is 6.6% of the total mass of incoming applications.


He noted that the overwhelming number of projects sent when issuing a construction permit do not meet the requirements of the urban development plan of the land plot, there are no results of engineering surveys, there are no technical conditions for connecting capital construction facilities to engineering support networks. It should be noted that a large percentage of the considered project documentation has a low quality of preparation, which in turn does not allow making a positive decision.


"First of all, we must monitor the safety of the construction process itself, the safety of operation of this capital construction facility. Fire safety must be strictly observed. We must provide for this at the stage of just the formation of permits, so we are very careful about checking the documents received for the issuance of a construction permit," A.Akhmetzyanov said.


Let us remind you that the Stroika exhibition is taking place in Kazan on July 10-12 at the site of the Kazanexpo Exhibition Center.

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