Mazit Salikhov supervised the reconstruction of municipal infrastructure facilities

18 July 2024, Thursday

Deputy Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing of the Republic of Tatarstan Mazit Salikhov got acquainted with the progress of reconstruction of municipal infrastructure facilities in Kazan on the eve.

The objects of the visit were the drainage and sewerage networks of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise Vodokanal, which are being modernized under the regional program "Modernization of communal infrastructure".

The program for the modernization of municipal infrastructure, funded with the participation of the Territorial Development Fund in the Republic of Tatarstan for 2023-2024, provides for the modernization of over 120 (124.7) km of networks in 10 municipalities. This will ensure more comfortable and favorable living conditions for more than 1 million residents of the region.

In 2023, within the framework of the regional program, work was started at 26 sites, they were completed in full at 19.

This year, work has begun on 42 sites, including in Kazan. In total, it is planned to repair more than 30 km of heat supply networks (12.85 km) and water supply (18.84 km) in the city.

To date, construction and installation work has been completed by more than 50% at most facilities.

During the detour, Mazit Salikhov was accompanied by Vasily Lysachkin, Chairman of the Committee of Housing and Communal Services of the Executive Committee of Kazan, and representatives of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise Vodokanal.

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