.Marat Aizatullin: The reconstruction of the treatment facilities in Kazan is being completed this year

23 July 2024, Tuesday

Within the framework of the federal project "Improvement of the Volga River" of the national project "Ecology", the reconstruction of treatment facilities in Kazan is being completed this year. This was announced by the Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Aizatullin at a briefing at the Government House of the Republic of Tatarstan.

"The volume of financing for the current year is 2 billion 137 million rubles, including 1 billion from the federal budget. 731 million. To date, the readiness of the facility is 84%," said Marat Aizatullin.

The 2nd stage of the project provides for the reconstruction and construction of 10 structures, including 8 primary settling tanks, a building of gratings, aerotanks and sand traps of the first stage

At the moment, the reconstruction of 4 secondary settling tanks has been completed.

The implementation of stages 1 and 2 of the reconstruction will improve the performance of wastewater treatment.

Biological sewage treatment plants of Kazan were put into operation in 1962. By the beginning of the reconstruction, their wear was 68.5%. Their design capacity is 650 thousand cubic meters/day. The actual intake was 361.8 thousand cubic meters/day. The owner of the facility is the Executive Committee of Kazan, the operating organization is the Municipal Unitary Enterprise Vodokanal.

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