The delegation of the Republic of North Ossetia – Alania visited the Ministry of Construction of Tatarstan

15 August 2024, Thursday

A delegation from the Republic of North Ossetia – Alania, headed by Marat Dzarasov, Head of the Department for Ensuring the Implementation of National Projects in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, visited the Republican Ministry of Construction today.

As part of the exchange of experience, a meeting was held with the heads of departments in the field of construction. The meeting was held by Deputy Ministers of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Tatarstan Ilshat Gimaev and Ilnur Nurmukhametov.

The guests were provided with information on the formation and implementation of republican and federal programs for the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of facilities in Tatarstan.

Tatyana Antonova, Head of the Department of Pricing in Construction of the GAU "Department of State Expertise and Pricing of the Republic of Tatarstan for Construction and Architecture", answered the guests' questions about pricing mechanisms, estimated norms in restoration and restoration work at cultural facilities.

The topical issue of labor resources and specialists in the construction sector, deadlines for the implementation of projects under development in new construction and others were also touched upon.

The event was also attended by Deputy Minister of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan Saria Sirazieva and First Deputy Director of the State Institution "Main Investment and Construction Department of the Republic of Tatarstan Airat Khalikov.

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