It is planned to build and repair 343 facilities in Tatarstan within the framework of national projects and state programs

11 January 2025, Saturday

This year, the Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Tatarstan will be involved in the implementation of 6 national projects and 4 state programs, which will monitor the construction and repair of 343 facilities worth 16 billion rubles, head of the Department Marat Aizatullin said at a traditional meeting at the Government House of the Republic of Tatarstan.


The meeting was held by the Prime Minister of Tatarstan Alexey Pesoshin.


Marat Aizatullin clarified that all agreements have been concluded with relevant federal ministries and departments.


Thus, within the framework of the National Project "Infrastructure for Life", it is planned to implement the federal project "Modernization of municipal infrastructure" with a funding limit of 3.2 billion rubles. In addition, this year funds have been allocated from the republican budget in the amount of 10 billion rubles, which will be used to implement measures to modernize public utilities and overhaul apartment buildings.


 51 facilities are included in the federal project "Creating a comfortable urban environment". These are parks and squares, 7 of which were recognized as winners of the Competition of Small Towns and historical Settlements. Another 10 facilities will be equipped within the framework of the republican program. Thus, a total of 61 public spaces are planned to be improved.


According to the National project "Ecological Well–being", within the framework of the federal project "Water of Russia", the reclamation of silt fields of biological treatment facilities in Kazan will be continued with a limit for the current year of 1 billion rubles.


The National Project "Long and active Life" includes 189 facilities that are being implemented under the federal project "Modernization of primary care."  This is the repair of 151 paramedic obstetric stations. And 38 construction sites, of which there are two general practitioner offices, two polyclinics and 34 paramedic and obstetric stations. Another 13 FAPs will be built according to the republican program.


It is planned to implement 12 facilities in the National Project "Family", which are included in three federal projects. This:


- continuation of the construction of a boarding school for the elderly and disabled in Zelenodolsk district within the framework of the federal project "The Older Generation";


- construction of two kindergartens, as well as major repairs of two kindergartens within the framework of the federal project "Family Support". In addition, it is planned to overhaul 9 kindergartens within the framework of the republican program.


 - according to the federal project "Family Values and Cultural Infrastructure", two libraries, one museum, two rural houses of culture, one theater and a children's art school will be renovated. There are also 17 cultural facilities and two children's art schools under the republican program.


The passport of the National Youth and Children Project for 2025 plans to implement 12 facilities within the framework of the federal project.

"All the best for children" is the construction of 2 schools and the overhaul of 10 schools. Twenty-one more schools will be renovated as part of the republican program.


Two facilities are provided within the framework of the federal project "Professional". This is a major renovation of one college, and 7 resource centers are being added to it under the republican program. And one dormitory. It is also planned to renovate three dormitories under the republican program.


As part of the federal project "Russia- the land of opportunities", it is planned to renovate the youth center on the basis of the Chemists' Palace of Culture in Kazan. The renovation of 7 more youth centers is provided for under the republican program.


The passport of the National Project "Cadres" for 2025 includes the overhaul of 50 employment centers within the framework of the federal project "Labor Market Management".


As for government programs, 21 facilities have been included in the Integrated Rural Development program this year. Thus, according to the federal project "Modern appearance of rural areas", it is planned to build and repair 12 social facilities in 8 municipalities. Of these, there are 6 facilities in the education sector, 3 in the MFC, and one each in the fields of healthcare, youth, and culture. Construction of high-speed Internet lines in the village of Shemordan in Sabinsky municipal district and construction of 5 utility facilities in Buinsky, Sabinsky, Menzelinsky and Agryzsky districts.


According to the federal project "Development of housing construction in rural areas and improvement of the level of home improvement", 3 sites will be comprehensively equipped for compact housing development in Laishevsky, Cheremshansky and Verkhneuslonsky districts.


As part of the state program "Protection from floods and other negative impacts of waters and ensuring the safety of hydraulic structures", it is planned to carry out major repairs of hydraulic structures in the village of Shuman, Vysokogorsky district. Another twenty-one objects were included in the republican part.


Within the framework of the state program "Development of physical culture and Sports", the federal project "Business Sprint" is being implemented, within which the purchase of equipment for the creation of "smart" sports grounds and the federal project "Development of physical culture and mass sports", within which the construction of the football development center in Kazan continues.


According to the state program "Development of Culture", it is planned to renovate the Boratynsky Museum in Kazan.

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