151 FAPs will be repaired in Tatarstan according to the national project

18 January 2025, Saturday

This year, the Ministry of Construction of Tatarstan will be involved in the implementation of

There are 6 national projects and 4 state programs, which will monitor the construction and repair of 342 facilities worth 16 billion rubles. The Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Aizatullin reported on the plans for the implementation of tasks for 2025 at the republican meeting in the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Rustam Minnikhanov, the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, held a meeting.

Marat Aizatullin noted that all agreements have been concluded with relevant federal ministries and departments.

Thus, within the framework of the National Project "Infrastructure for Life" it is planned to implement 3 federal projects. 51 objects are included in the project "Creating a comfortable urban environment". Of these, 7 are winners of the Competition of Small Towns and Historical Settlements. The contract is scheduled for March. Another 10 facilities will be equipped within the framework of the republican program.

Large-scale work is to be done on the federal project "Modernization of municipal infrastructure" with a funding limit of 3.2 billion rubles. Another 7 billion is provided for under the new republican program. "The list of facilities is under approval by the Government of the Republic," said Marat Aizatullin.

Within the framework of the federal Housing project, a new program for the resettlement of citizens from the emergency housing stock for 2025-2030 is planned, which will include houses recognized as emergency after January 1, 2017.  At the same time, the number of emergency homes that will be included in the new program will be determined after the approval of new resettlement mechanisms, as well as based on the limits for providing financial support to the Territorial Development Fund, which have not yet been communicated to the regions.

According to the national project "Ecological well–being", within the framework of the federal project "Water of Russia", the reclamation of silt fields of biological treatment facilities in Kazan will be continued with a limit for the current year of 1 billion rubles. The contract is scheduled for March.

The national project "Long and active Life" includes 189 facilities that are being implemented under the federal project "Modernization of primary care."  This is the repair of 151 paramedic and obstetric stations in 37 municipalities with the conclusion of a state contract in March.

And 38 construction sites in 20 districts, of which contracts have already been concluded for two general practitioner offices and 34 paramedic-obstetric stations. And the contracts for two clinics are scheduled for March.

It is planned to implement 12 facilities in the national project "Family", which are included in three federal projects. One of them has been ongoing since last year - the construction of a boarding school for the elderly and disabled in the Zelenodolsk district continues within the framework of the federal project "The Older Generation", the state contract for which has already been concluded. And 11 facilities will be contracted in March. These are the construction of two kindergartens, as well as the overhaul of two kindergartens within the framework of the federal project "Family Support". In addition, it is planned to overhaul 9 kindergartens within the framework of the republican program.

 According to the federal project "Family Values and Cultural Infrastructure", two libraries, one museum, two rural houses of culture, one theater and a children's art school will be renovated. There are also 17 cultural facilities and two children's art schools under the republican program.

According to the passport of the national project "Youth and Children", 15 facilities are planned to be built and repaired for the current year. Contracts for all of them are scheduled for March: 12 facilities are included in the federal project "All the best for children" (construction of 2 schools and major repairs of 10 schools). Another 18 schools and boarding schools will be renovated as part of the republican program.

2 facilities will be renovated according to the federal project "Professional". This is one college (7 resource centers are added to it according to the republican program) and one dormitory of a secondary specialized educational institution. It is also planned to renovate three dormitories under the republican program.

The renovation of the youth center is planned as part of the federal project "Russia - the land of Opportunities". And 7 more – according to the republican program.

The passport of the national Cadres project for 2025 includes the overhaul of 49 employment centers within the framework of the federal Labor Market Management project. The contract for them is also scheduled for March.

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