555 kilometers of engineering networks will be overhauled in Tatarstan this year

25 January 2025, Saturday

Today, at the traditional meeting in the Government House of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Aizatullin presented information on the implementation of modernization programs for engineering networks in the Republic.

Thus, state contracts for the facilities of five republican programs are planned to be concluded in March-April.

In the federal part, 2 programs are planned to be implemented - 4 engineering infrastructure facilities worth 329 million rubles will be implemented under the federal project "Modern Appearance of rural areas". Government contracts on them are also scheduled for March-April of this year.

The municipal infrastructure modernization program

provides for the reconstruction and modernization of engineering infrastructure facilities in 45 municipalities.

The total amount of the sale will amount to 10.9 billion rubles, of which 1.6 billion rubles will be allocated to the budget of the Russian Federation, 1.5 billion rubles will be co-financing the budget of the republic, and 7.7 billion rubles will be allocated to the republican program.

The list includes 135 public utilities facilities, including 71 water supply facilities in 37 districts, 31 sanitation facilities in 13 districts, and 33 heat supply facilities in 6 municipalities.

In total, 555 kilometers of engineering networks are planned to be reconstructed and overhauled.

"As of today, a package of documents necessary for submitting an application is being prepared for the facilities within the framework of federal funding. According to the republican program, appropriate amendments are being made to the regulatory legal act to approve the list of facilities. Government contracts on them are also scheduled for March-April of this year," said Marat Aizatullin.

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