In Tatarstan, the annual housing construction plan has been fulfilled by 35% - 1 million 145 thousand square meters have been commissioned

24 March 2025, Monday

The work on housing construction programs was announced last Saturday at a meeting in the Government House of Tatarstan by the Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Aizatullin.

As of March 22, the annual housing construction plan has been completed by 35%, 1 million 145 thousand square meters have been commissioned. Commercial housing developers have completed 4% of the planned volume. The total area of 15 apartment buildings built exceeds 61 thousand square meters. m.

The annual social mortgage plan is estimated at 32%. Of the 35 houses that need to be built this year, 4 have been commissioned. Their total area is 52 thousand square meters.m.

Traditionally, the highest rates are demonstrated by developers of individual housing – 1 million 31 thousand square meters have been commissioned.

Marat Aizatullin reported on the provision of housing for certain categories of citizens. Changes have been made to the housing subprogram for orphaned children - now their number is 450. For representatives of this category, 37 apartments will be purchased through co-financing from the federal budget. Currently, the Ministry of Land and Property Relations of the Republic of Tatarstan is preparing to announce an auction for their acquisition.

66 recipients are included in the housing program for young families. By the current date, 42 municipalities have signed agreements with the Ministry of Youth Affairs in the Electronic Budget system. As of today, all certificates have been handed over to the families, and preparations are underway to transfer funds to the personal accounts of the executive committees of municipalities.

For large families with five or more children, 21 of the 24 certificates for residential premises were issued with a total area of 1,961 square meters. m.

As of today, all 3 certificates have been issued in the category of internally displaced persons, migrants from the Far North and Chernobyl victims. Special bank accounts have been opened for all three families, and applicants are looking for apartments.

The Head of the Ministry of Construction of the Republic of Tatarstan said that two programs are aimed at supporting housing construction. The republican program is aimed at providing the necessary infrastructure for land plots provided to large families in the republic. Work is underway here to determine the list of objects. The state program "Integrated Rural Development" - three sites of this program are planned to be equipped with sites for compact housing development. Government contracts have been concluded. Contractors have already started work on the facility located in Verkhneuslonsky district.

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