On the construction of the plant for the production of carbon fiber of LLC “ALABUGA-VOLOKNO”

27 November 2013, Wednesday

Today, Deputy Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing of the Republic of Tatarstan Yu.L.Alyashev held a meeting with contractors to address the issues of the construction of the production building and office and household facilities, process pipelines and energy facilities. The meeting took place a special economic zone “Alabuga” in the territory of the plant for the production of carbon fiber, LLC “ALABUGA-VOLOKNO”.  

The meeting was attended by the representatives of Customer LLC “ALABUGA-VOLOKNO”, heads and senior contractors CJSC MPO “Inshaat”, OJSC “Tatelektromontazh”, LLC “RIK 2”, OJSC “Termosteps”, LLC “Eurostyle–Servis” and LLC “GBT”. Before the meeting the object was inspected by the participants.

Currently, German company “TEXTIMA” is performing the installation and commissioning of the process equipment.  

CJSC MPO “Inshaat” completed the construction of the production building and office and household facilities, the installation of internal and external utilities; now the installation of process pipelines is being carried out. OJSC “Tatelektromontazh” is performing the works on the power supply for the plant under construction. LLC “RIK 2” is carrying out the finishing work. In general, the readiness of the facility is 80%.

The main objectives of the contractors in the current month are the following: the completion of the installation of the process pipelines up to 02/12/2013, the transmission of gas flues for the commissioning of the process equipment, as well as the provision of the power supply up to 29/11/2013.

Also, the participants of the meeting discussed the issues of the compliance by the contractors with safety requirements during the construction and installation work, as well as the environmental requirements.

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