Two administrative and residential complexes for local police officers opened in Pestrechinsky area

17 December 2013, Tuesday

Administrative and residential complex for a local police officer was opened last week in village Koshchakovo. The opening ceremony was attended by Head of the area Eduard Diyarov, Deputy Chief of Police of the Interior Ministry for the Republic of Tatarstan, Police Colonel Marat Aidarov, and Head of the Executive Committee Azat Valiullin and representatives of the construction companies which had built the house.

A new occupant was congratulated by the colleagues and villagers. Handing over the keys to police captain Sergei Ishimov Head of Pestrechinsky area Eduard Diyarov said: “In order to improve living conditions and increase the efficiency of local police officers 80 administrative and residential complexes were to be built in 2013 in Tatarstan. In our area, two such complexes were opened in Koschakovo and Lenino-Kokushkino. Dwelling houses are combined with office premises in which local police officers will be able to work. Given the long working hours of the officer, this is a very good option. I would like to emphasize that creating favorable conditions for the life of his family, the district administration and the Interior Ministry is entitled to demand both efficient work and order in the assigned territory. It is very important for all of us. Of course, living in this complex imposes a great responsibility”.

As noted by Deputy Chief of Police of the Interior Office for the Republic of Tatarstan, Police Colonel Marat Aidarov, the Program on the construction of administrative and residential complexes for local police officers has started in 2013 in Tatarstan. And the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tatarstan is one of the first one to create such administrative and residential complexes. So, we can say that in these terms Tatarstan is ahead of the other regions.

“Creating favorable living and working conditions is one of the most important activities of our department. The main goal of this program is to create a comfortable working environment for local police officers, the possibility of their accommodation directly with near the administrative areas served, the presence of government representatives in every remote village in order to make a local police officer be available to the public round the clock”, said Marat Ildarovich.

Deputy Chief of Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Marat Aidarov handed over breastplate “For distinguished service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Republic of Tatarstan” and the keys to car “Niva” to local police officer Ishimov, noting that rural transport service is an essential condition of successful work as it will allow to faster response to all statements of the population.

In addition, the Deputy Police Chief handed over Letters of Gratitude of the Interior office of the Republic of Tatarstan to Head of the area Eduard Diyarov, Director of “Barakat Stroi” Bakhtiyar Dzhurayev, Director of LLC "”Koschakovskiy Utilities” Fidail Shayakhmetov and Deputy Director of LLC "”Koschakovskiy Utilities” Ruis Mavlyudov.

In addition, on behalf of the Deputy Police Chief of Interior Office for the Republic of Tatarstan and the Head of Pestrechinsky area, the family was presented with a fridge and a TV-set.

Well, it should be noted that the Ishimov are waiting for a baby. 2013 was profitable in all respects for the family. Dreams still become true on New-Year's Eve.

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