In the Republic of Tatarstan in the framework of the program "Parks and gardens" work started on 104 sites in 44 municipalities

30 May 2015, Saturday

Republic of Tatarstan in the framework of the program "Parks and gardens"  started work  on 104 sites in 44 municipalities. This was announced today at a Republican meeting at the RT Government House by Minister of construction, architecture and housing of Tatarstan Irek Faizullin. 
Irek Faizullin noted that six sites are completed. It alkeevsky, Laishevsky, Leninogorsk, Pestretsy areas (one park) and two parks in Kazan. 
Total funding for the program "Parks and gardens" from the budget of the Republic of Tatarstan in 2015 is estimated 1 billion rubles. Local budgets and extra-budgetary sources – 500 million rubles. 
The Ministry of construction, architecture and housing of Tatarstan approved the list of parks and gardens (143 object), 75 of new construction projects, 68 facilities for major repairs.

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