1 million 397.9 thousand square meters of housing, or 58.2 per cent of annual plan, commissioned in Tatarstan

15 August 2015, Saturday

On August 15, Interim President of Tatarstan Republic Rustam Minnikhanov  held the regional meeting with all municipalities in a video conference format. Tatarstan Prime Minister Ildar Khalikov took part in the event. 


Tatarstan Minister of Architecture, Housing and Utility Services  Irek Faizullin reported that by August 14, 2015   1 million 397.9 thousand square meters  of housing  have been commissioned in Tatarstan that makes 58.2 per cent of annual plan. 81 houses with a total area of  105.9 thousand square meters for 1787 flats have been built under social mortgage programme.


He went on that 5 houses with a total area of 21, 559 square meters have been put into operation within the framework of the rental housing construction programme ( 21 houses of a total area of 71, 339 square meters are expected to be built in 2015). 


Construction of 43 houses for 181 veterans within the programme of  improving  living conditions of veterans of the World War II is underway in the republic and must be commissioned before September 1 ,2015. 


331 orphans are expected to be provided with accommodation  within the programme of construction of housing for orphans and children left without parental care.


Within the housing provision programme  for families, having three or more children, 45 certificates amounting to 128 million 17 thousand roubles were issued, with 20 certificates  implemented.


It is planned that 39 families, including Chernobyl nuclear tragedy liquidators, internally displaced persons, resettlers from extreme North, will be provided with housing.


Within the framework of  crime prevention programme for 2014-2015 in Tatarstan, construction of 38  administrative and residential complexes in 17 municipal regions is underway.


Irek Faizullin also told  about  work conducted  in objects  of shared-equity construction and other regional programmes in more details.
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