379 thousand square meters of housing were put into operation in Tatarstan

28 January 2023, Saturday

To date, 379 thousand square meters of housing have been commissioned in Tatarstan - 12% of the annual plan. This was reported by the Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing Marat Aizatullin at a meeting in the Government House of the Republic of Tatarstan the day before.

The President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov held a videoconference meeting with all municipal districts. The meeting was attended by the Prime Minister of Tatarstan Alexey Pesoshin.

Thus, 16 apartment buildings with a total area of 79 thousand square meters were commissioned in the republic through commercial construction, 15 houses for 44 thousand square meters were commissioned under the social library program. Traditionally, the largest fulfillment of the plan is recorded through individual housing construction. 256 thousand square meters have already been commissioned in this sector, or almost 17% of the plan, which is 1 million 510 thousand square meters.

Within the framework of 4 programs to provide housing for certain categories of citizens, 600 orphans, 78 young families, 33 large families (5 or more children) and 6 citizens from among internally displaced persons, migrants from the Far North and Chernobyl victims should celebrate the housewarming in 2023.

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