The Ministry of Construction of the Republic of Tatarstan has started preparations for the heating period 2024-2025.

13 June 2024, Thursday

Today, the Ministry of Construction of Tatarstan hosted the first meeting of the republican headquarters for preparation for the 2024-2025 heating period this year. The event was held by Alexey Frolov, First Deputy Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the municipal districts of the Republic of Tatarstan (via videoconference), ministries, departments and industry enterprises.

As part of the headquarters agenda, the issue of ensuring quality control over the preparation of housing stock for the heating period 2024/2025 was considered. The reports were presented by Alexander Tygin, Head of the State Housing Inspectorate of the Republic of Tatarstan, and Pavel Bakin, Deputy Head of the Volga Region Department of Rostechnadzor.

Alexey Frolov reminded representatives of municipalities of the need to provide information on the progress of measures to prepare for the heating period in the information and analytical system "Monitoring of housing stock" and the AIS system of the PPK "FRT".

"To date, there are municipalities that have not yet provided information on the beginning and end of the heating period 2023-2024.  to the AIS system of the PPK "FRT". These are 3 municipalities - Alkeevsky, Kukmor, Laishevsky districts. Another 4 districts have entered data into the system that need to be adjusted. These are Apastovsky, Yelabuga, Mendeleevsky, Menzelinsky, I ask the heads of these districts to complete this work as soon as possible," the deputy head of the department noted.

In preparation for the upcoming heating season, a draft Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan has been developed, which includes a list of main tasks. According to the document, the timing of key events is as follows:

to approve an action plan to eliminate the consequences of accidents - by August 1, 2024;

conduct exercises to work out actions to eliminate the consequences of accidents – until September 1, 2024

obtaining passports for consumers of thermal energy – until September 1, 2024;

obtaining passports for heat supply and heating grid organizations – until November 1, 2024;

obtaining passports of readiness of municipalities is until November 15, 2024.


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