The Ministry of Construction of the Republic of Tatarstan held the second meeting of the headquarters for the preparation for the launch of heat

27 June 2024, Thursday

Today, the Republican Ministry of Construction held a regular meeting of the Republican Headquarters on preparation for the heating period of 2024/2025. It was conducted by Deputy Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing of the Republic of Tatarstan Mazit Salikhov.

The work of the headquarters began with the monitoring of data entered by municipal districts into the Housing Stock Monitoring system. In total, 1,072 boiler houses have been prepared in the Republic of Tatarstan, which is 33%. A total of 348 educational facilities have been prepared, which is 26%. The readiness of cultural institutions is 21%.

To date, 348 facilities or 17% of healthcare facilities are ready for the upcoming heating season.

According to the operational data of the State Housing Inspectorate, flushing and crimping of indoor central heating systems has been completed by 32%.

Representatives of Aznakaevsky, Agryzsky, Arsky and Bugulminsky municipal districts reported on the progress of work on preparations for the upcoming heating period. Andrey Ryukhov, Managing Director of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, also made a report on the readiness of educational facilities.

Addressing representatives of municipalities, the Deputy Minister called for strengthening the work on entering data into the Housing Stock Monitoring system.

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